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Soon the holidays will be here with us. With the corona virus crisis still being felt in most countries, holiday goers may have to change their plans. However, holidays should still go on, it is a human necessity, and therefore a staycation comes right in mind. Current circumstances (read covid-19, the economy) have now forced us to look within us and find something of value. If you look keenly, there are so many good things that we did not notice because we were living life on the fast lane even if we did not have to. Staying home or around home during holidays can give us a sense of direction and reflection. This is what is called a staycation. A staycation is a holiday spent at home or near home. A staycation has various benefits:
- Inexpensive and less stressful -Since you will not be traveling far, you do not have to book hotels or travel tickets. These can be a nightmare especially during peak seasons when prices are simply exorbitant. There will be no stress of running around looking for visa, travel documents and travel insurance for the whole family. You will also not have to pack much if it is a day trip. Packing, unpacking as you go for long trips can be quite a stress and can outweigh the benefits of the holiday. Travelers lose important documents, money and can also get sick as they travel and this can be a nightmare if you are on unfamiliar ground.
- Safe familiar location-Since this is an area familiar to you, it will be safe but you have to take all the necessary safety precautions advised by your specific locations. You will be more willing to discover areas around and sure this is the time to make discoveries about the good that happens near you.
- Saves you time-The travel industry is the most versatile and busy because people must spent quite an amount of time traveling. We spend at least over one hour each day in our life time just on travel! In a year you will have spent about 400 hours on transit. If you cut this by a significant figure, then you have so much time to do those things that you love to do particularly with your loved ones. This gives you time to bond with children as you teach them to appreciate what is within them. There is the tendency to believe that something good cannot happen around you. You can cycle, walk and this can have profound benefits for your health.
- There will be no fully booked days unlike hotels and air travel tickets. This therefore gives you the leeway to organize your holiday when you want it, when you can afford it and when it is convenient for you and your family. Better still you can have family and friends join in for a merrier time together.
5. Positive impact on mother earth.. Domestic tourism has been known to improve not just the local environment but the global environment. Air travel has been shown to emit greenhouse gasses which have continued to increase global warming and impacting negatively to our mother earth. Just after the Corona pandemic, the Himalayas Mountains in India could be viewed for the first time in 30 years. This was just after few months of lock down, of course with cessation of the pollution activities by the human race. What if we did this more often? The benefits would be profound.
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